7 Nov 2007


There will come a time when it may be difficult to find or make fusers that have any higher stats then your base. At this point you are better off downgrading. *NOTE* On weapons, only downgrade max damage or MP recovery. On armor only downgrade HP recovery.

1:) First you need to make a fuser which has higher MP/HP recovery than your base piece and a fuser which has lower MP/HP recovery then your base. Click on stat transfer and place your base equipment in the first window and click next

2:) Place the fuser with higher MP/HP recovery than your base in sacrificial slot. All stats will probably be red except MP/HP recovery. Left click MP recovery but DO NOT hit transfer.

3:) Take fuser with lower MP/HP recovery from your inventory and replace it with the one in the sacrificial window. at this point all stats will be red. Right click on MP/HP recovery and hit transfer.

You are now done with downgrading, as you can see my HP recovery was reduced from 22 to 19

Well, I hope this clears up any question new players have about enhancing your equipment. If not, cant say i didnt try

Tartarus server,
juggernuts, 2007

Complete basic enhancing guide

First off, i would like to apologize to all you players, moderator and everyone it concerns for writing a topic that has all ready been covered. The fact of the matter is i am asked several times daily about "how to make 1k damage weapon" or similar questions. so i figured that I might take a shot at explaining how to enhance. Again, forgive me i am stating the obvious


So many of you have been asking questions about the difference between the ores and i will attempt to explain.

Silvins-Silvins are the lowest-quality ore in the game. they have the lowest success rate for enhancing
Mithril-Mithrils are the mid-quality ore which offer higher success rate then Silvins
Iternium-Iterniums are the high-quality ore which offer higher success rate then Mithril
TOB (tears of blacksmith)- TOB's are the highest-quality ores and have 100% success rate

Other then success rate, all ores are the same and effect the stats in the same manner.

Secondly, as you are leveling your character, be sure to save all small gems as they will come in use for your fusers. You will also need a decent amount of ores and regular sized gems to get started.


After you have reached level 40, you may begin enhancing provided you have Ores, TOB's and full gems (not giant). Aqid wrote a nice guide about making a starter piece, however, in Tartarus server it is not necessary due to several factors. Some people like to make minimum damage the same as maximum damage, and you can do so if you like. I will not attempt to explain how to make minimum and maximum damage the same as it is complicated to explain and is not beneficial. Furthermore, you may want to downgrade *maximum damage* and only *maximum damage* at a later time if you want to hit the same damage every time.

Before we get started there is one thing you need to know. A 20 str sword that is 1k damage will do the same damage as a 300 str sword with 1k damage. With that said, it is best to make equipment that is between 20-60 str, con or dex. Without going into a complicated explanation, you will save a lot of ores, gems, TOB's and most importantly, time if you stick with low level gear *PLEASE NOTE* This only applies to Tartarus only and not official server!!!

So, lets get started

1:) Go to weapon merchant or black market and find a weapon or armor that has high endurance. for this tutorial, i picked a 40 str sword. This will be your base sword (also called main sword)
2:) Go to Blacksmith and start enhancing your base sword. down on the bottom of the weapon it will say how many times it has been upgraded. On the first upgrade, damage increases. On the second upgrade, attack bonus increases. on the third upgrade, Max MP increases and so on down the stat list (hope this makes sense) . After the sixth upgrade, you can add one gem, on the seventh upgrade, you can add two gems. each upgrade past six, you can add one gem. Once you get to ten you cant go any further. This part may be a little confusing at first but after you do it you will understand. Please do not add any gems until upgrade level is at 10!

*NOTE* at this point you will probably understand the purpose of silvins, mithril, and iternium and TOB's. I usually use silvins from 0-3 upgrade level, mithrils from 3-5 upgrade level, iternium from 5-7, and TOB's from 7-10!!
*NOTE* At some point you will hit what is called a soft cap. You will know when this happens. Your AAA stats will turn a lighter color yellow and enhance rate will be super low. You will have to use TOB's on your main from this point on!!

3:) Now you are ready to socket gems into your base equipment. For your base equipment, you will want to use large gems (full gems) only. Furthermore, at this point you will want to use rubies or diamonds only, all other gems for a weapon are useless at this point. I would suggest getting your damage up to 1k-2k before uping critical. Why not up critical now you may ask? For the answer to this question you need to understand how critical rate works. High Critical rate does not make much difference when your damage is low. Reason being, critical rate multiplies your damage, so if your damage is low the critical multiplier wont have much to multiply. I hope this makes sense and many may argue with me on this one.
*NOTE* I used diamonds only because i didn't have many rubies!!
*NOTE* DO NOT up damage past 2k without upping critical first or you may not be able to max critical and hitting rating to 4k!! Remember, your ultimate goal is to get 4k damage 4k critical

4:) Go back to weapon merchant or black market and find another 40 str sword. This time, any endurance will work. try to find a sword with the highest min damage ( you may be better off going to black market and finding a 40 str sword with B minimum damage because you will use less gems getting it to AAA). This sword is what is called a fuser or sacrificial piece.

5:) Go back to Blacksmith and upgrade the fuser to ten (also referred to as +10) (refer to step 2 if further help is needed).

6:) For this step, you must understand how the stat transfer works. This concept is quite easy to explain. The sacrificial item MUST be the same grade or higher as your base equipment. For example, if your base sword is AA, the sacrificial item must be AA or AAA. So, this is where the small gems come in handy. Minimum damage is the easiest stat to get up so socket just enough small rubies to change the grade to the same as your main. For my case, my base is AAA so i need to add just enough to get sacrificial item to AAA.

*NOTE* you might wonder "why do i need to enhance my sacrificial item to ten" here is the answer, you can only do a stat transfer on items that have been upgraded +0 or +10. anything in between will not work!!

7:) Now you are ready to do a stat transfer, so click on blacksmith and click stat transfer. Put your base equipment in first and click next.

8:) Now, place your sacrificial item in sacrificial slot and left click the stat you want to transfer and click transfer button.

*NOTE* at some point you will need to downgrade. Please refer to Downgrading guide

9:) Now, you have finished one full round of enhancing. Repeat steps 2-9 until you reach your desired stats

*NOTE* 4095 damage, 4095 hitting rate and 4095 critical is the hard-cap!! do not exceed or you will risk resetting stats to F grade!!!! Please read "Hardcap / Rollover; The theory" by Aqid, located in the guides section.
*NOTE* It will take about 350 fusers (sacrificial items) to make maxed out sword.

Hardcap: The theory

What is hardcap?
We all know there are alot of items in RYL2 that can be upgraded at the blacksmith. Hardcap (also called phiscal cap) is the point where an item is at its maximum value, after that point things start to get dangerous. If you go past hardcap there is a chanse your item may rollover. Then the stat that rolled over will be back at his original F value. When does a stat roll over? That is what im about to explain...

How to determine an items hardcap?
The maximum that can be added to a stat (normal stat, non-HP/MP) is 4095. Every stat has a base value. This is the lowest F of that stat u can find. The hardcap for every weapon is:

4095+Base F

Take my 60 str sword for example. I'm upgrading 3 stats on it. The base F value's are:
Min dmg = 18
Crit = 0
Hit = 0

This means, my hardcapvalue's are:
4095 + 18 = 4113 Min dmg
4095 + 0 = 4095 Hit
4095 + 0 = 4095 Crit

Is hardcap the ultimate highest a stat can reach?
Well this is the interesting part. No it is not. It IS possible to go past your hardcap. My weapon is a perfect example. This is how it looked:

As you can see, 2 stats are awefully risky. You would say it is not possible to upgrade this weapon one more time, because both hit and crit will rollover. Yet, its not true.

This is how it works:
None of the above stats have went PAST the hardcap value. All stats are possible, all the stats are in the normal upgrading range. When a weapon is combined, the output of it can only contain stats that are possible and in the normal range. If a stat exceeded the hardcap value, it will return as a default F. Because all the stats on my weapon are in the normal range, it is possible to reset my weapon one more time. Onces resetted, you are 100% safe. A weapon will only rollover at the combine process.

How much can the hardcap be exceeded?
The maximum is one combine. Because after your stats have exceeded the hardcap value, they will rollover to F value's if you try to combine it. I'll show you what I have done:

Lets place all the stats in a sheet:
------------ Before last combine: - Hardcap:
min dmg ---------- 4100 ------------ 4113
hit ----------------- 4094 ------------ 4095
crit ----------------- 4095 ------------ 4095
At this point the combining was no problem because not one stat is PAST the hardcap value. Yes, even crit. Because it did not exceed the hardcap, it is at the hardcap. When its at 4096 it exceeds the hardcap by one.

------------ After last combine: --- Hardcap:
min dmg ---------- 4134 ------------ 4113
hit ----------------- 4102 ------------ 4095
crit ----------------- 4096 ------------ 4095
As you can see now, all 3 stats have past the hardcap value. If I try to combine this weapon one more time all 3 will rollover to F.

So the max of a stat is:
4095+Base F+one reset

In my case my dmg would be
4095+18+34 = 4147
Yet, at that point I didnt knew it so im stuck with 4134 dmg which is good enough.

Another example
My armor's def hardcap is 4095 + base F of 1 = 4096.

Last time I've combined it was at 4089, which is NOT past hardcap so did not rollover.
After that I added full def reset is 4089+34 = 4123.
Now def DID exceed hardcap, so if I combine this armor one more time def will roll.

I hope you all understand it now, basic rules are:
1, Determine your hardcap
2. Make ur last reset as close to hardcap as possible
3. Combine it for the last time
4. Upgrade onces more and place 5 rubys, now your weapon will exceed hardcap.
5. DO NOT COMBINE ANY FURTHER, the output of the blacksmith will be an F.

Do not come to me with "my items rolled over and its your fault", every upgrade you make is your own responability. I'm just sharing my toughts with you and I'm 99% possitive it works this way. Yet, if you can

Emperical charts found on the RYL forum

Defence vs % dmg reduction

Block vs Critical swings

Critical vs Critical multiplier

Critical vs '% to produce a critical'

Speeding up the enhancing process

Yes, I have used it and it was discovered by my tin-tin-tin team in TW long ago. It is not a bug and not a cheat. I tried to take a video of the game and a webcam to show the fingers on the keyboard (has to be co-ordinated) but not successful.

Only the upgraders would know what I am talking about :

Situation :

you see, when you click Enhance - you will see the "flash" and hear "tin-tin-tin" <-- you wait like 1-3 seconds each time.

When you click on Enhance and your item is already hit soft-cap - a message pops up saying that it is "limit" and do you want to continue - you click "OK" and again the "flash" and "tin tin tin" <-- 1 -3 seconds.

Now, you can speed this up. You may have noticed that when you keep clicking on enhance, the "flash" and "tin tin tin" is not completed but the thing goes very fast - like 1 sec = 3 upgrading. It is also either all fail or all success.

I have found out exactly how to repeat this process = 1 sec 3-5 upgrading. And it speeds up alot.

Can anyone tell me how to record using webcam the finger on the keyboard and FRAPS on the game. Because you need to see it how it is done. It is too complicated to explain.

The positivie effect from using this technique :

1. Because the clock is used to generate the success or fail of the BS, by "squeezing" in more enhances during the point in time - you get alot of successes.

2. Also , it means that if the clock is failure - you get alot of failures <-- but it means you can stop for a while and continue.

3. Using this technique I am able to make from 100damage to 1K damage (including making the suitable combine items) in 1 day (18hours). That is 29combining to main item and for each combine item I do 4 combining = 145 combining altogether in 18hours. Of course it means I have resources on standby too.

A great addition:
What totally works for me is when creating fusers,

1.) Leave the TOB from previos upgrade @ blacksmith.

2.) Place +0 item that needs +7 at the BS.

3.) Take a stack of 200 mich/yit.

4.) Swap em with the TOB @ blacksmith window, but DONT place the TOB back in ur inventory, keep em in your hand.

5.) Press the Upgrade button with the TOB in your hand.

6.) When you see the flash or hear the tintintin sound, place the TOB back in your inventory.

=====Now the bug is activated.=========

7.) Press and HOLD enter key.

8.) Click as a mad-man on the Upgrade button.

9.) Release the enter key when you run out of michells or when your item is +7.

Tested, and works 99 out of 100 times. I make almost every fuser this way now.

Guide for the ultimate shadow arm

Only for players that shall play for long time. Money will help shorten that time – but not very much because Critical n Damage is only +3. Players that prefer to socialize a lot in real life , weekends rather go out <-- pls dun play shadow.

Choosing the right Arm :

What is your final goal for Critical and Damage. If you don’t know the answer to this question, dun do this project. And likely you have little experience in upgrading nor do you know shadow power-output.

Once you have decided the final values of Damage and Critical. Find out which is the higher value. Then :

1. Find out how many combines (X1) you need to make 3/4 of the final value. For example, if your final critical value is 2K and Damage is 3K, then it will take 140 combines to hit to make 3/4 of 3000 Damage.

2. Search for the lowest shadow arm stat that after (X1) combines from F-grade (and not using MP recovery), MP recovery would then be X1 value *AND* that MP rec value is at most mid-B grade. Better if the grade is C or D , but it also will mean making suitable combines will take more work (since it shall mean high stat arm). In the example above, search for the shadow arm that give at most mid-B grade for MP rec of 140 (for your 3K final goal).

3. Find a F-grade (best ZERO values on everything except Damage and Critical). This shall be your primary arm. Use BlackMarket of course.

(NOTE : because shadow arm is +3 for critical and damage, the “right” effective way to maximize this, is to decide your final critical and damage TO BE SAME VALUE, ie 3K crit/dam or 2K crit/dam <-- for example).

Tin-tin-tin Primary Arm (CRITICAL FIRST)

4. start to tin-tin-tin, make combines, fuse combines to your primary arm until hit 100% of your final critical value. Use all other stats except MP rec. In the example above – reach the 2K critical goal. And then stop. Don’t go further yet. So, in the example above, when hit 2K critical and not using MP rec, MP rec value will be at most 125 value.

Making Primary Damage Fuser n Fusing into Primary Arm

5. Do another F-grade arm. Go as high in Damage as you can. Same principle as above, use all other stats except MP rec until all other stats is AAA grade , then use MP-rec until AAA grade.

6. Combine this arm into your Primary Arm – Stat to fuse : min.Damage.

Continue to tin-tin-tin Primary Arm (FOCUS ON DAMAGE)

7. After the combining, your primary arm min.Damage should be higher than max.Damage.

8. Start to tin-tin-tin. Use all other stats except MP rec until they are AAA grade, then use MP rec. When hit your final Damage goal – Project completed.

Useful tips :

1. The selection of arm is very important. Choosing the right arm means efficient spending of time and resources on hitting your final damage/critical values. It is the making of combines that take up most resources.

2. In the arm selection, I mentioned max be mid-B grade for MP rec. You will be happier if you decide that max for MP rec be beginning-mid C grade. The number of combines to make a suitable combine does not change for low or high stat arms if your final goals are above 1K Damage/Critical.

3. Higher your final Critical / Damage values = more fusers to make <-- take note.

I was writing this below but stopped mid-way as it will not be purposeful and only serves as good-to-know info. I dun think anyone in his right mind would do it.


4. If you have a super high goal example 3.8+K critical / 3.8+K Damage , then you must do reverse calculation like this :

You shall have to use 250dex arm -
(3 /4 of 4K divided by 16) = 188 combines = MP rec 188 is beginning AAA GRADE already for 250dex arm. SO, You need to make Critical fuser and Damage fuser first to “bring down” MP rec :

Make 3K Critical and Damage fuser. Combine them to F-GRADE (ZERO) primary arm. This is almost like making Primary Arms (painful). Next, before you combin….



I overlooked something in the simulation. *Almost* practically it is best to have CRITICAL AND DAMAGE to have same final values. But it is humanly exponential-difficult to achieve.

However, it is FOR SURE 100% achieveable if there is difference to CRIT and DAM of 1/3 or 33.333%. That means - if (for example) you aiming for 3K Critical - then your Damage should be 4K (and you use 4K to look for the suitable arm), or Damage = 2K (in which case you will use 3K (critical) to look for the suitable arm. Whichever higher of the value you would use the look for the suitable arm.

Of course you have to find the arm that after 3/4 of the higher value the MP REC is max mid-B grade. 4K will drive you nuts.

Rockers guide to making full dmg/crit

The least expensive way to make full 4K damage, 4K crit weapon/arm (least expensive is still very expensive to many many people) :

0. Your weapon/arm must be high stat - not low stat. BECAUSE if you want to make a 4K limit on a stat where a full gem = +3 or less - high gear stat is a must. (Shadows take note).

1. get F grade - all stats ZERO (dun care about block cuz you will kill people before they can even hit you with that gear)

2. On your primary gear - focus on CRITICAL ONLY. Why ? because make 2K critical fuser = 125 combines total, and make a 2K damage fuser = 58 combines. SO it is a BIG waste if make critical fuser, after all the effort and MCs you spend and then you combine - BIG waste. Combine a 58-combine fuser is less painful than combine a 125-combine fuser to your primary gear.

So how you select the stat of arm/weapon to use ? Calculate like this : when hit 3K critical on the gear = 187 combines (DO NOT USE MP REC). 187 MP rec should be beginning-mid B grade. Anything more - do not use <-- that means if the gear you want to use is A/AA grade for MP REC = 187 <-- DO NOT use that stat gear.

3. Make a 2K damage fuser (58combine) and then combine to your F-grade gear. So your primary gear = 1K damage - all stats ZERO. Y ? At least you can play alittle bit as you tin-tin-tin. It is VERY boring if you tin-tin-tin but cannot play (because your gear not solid yet). [Take note: you may skip this part of making a 2K damage fuser].

4. Do not use MP REC as fuser stat. Use Hitting rate, Max MP, and Damage (<-- can use Damage in the early stages when your primary gear damage is not AAA - although Damage shall the jumper stat to use). Use MP rec when all other stats = AA grade. Stress : focus on Critical on your primary gear.

5. So keep doing like this until you hit Critical 4K. Then :

a. If your MP rec is not AA yet - focus on DAMAGE.
b. if all stats is at least AA grade - make a 4K fuser from F grade and fuse the min.Damage.

When you hit 4K critical - your min. Damage should be 2K (earlier 1K + 250x4) [250 combines on your primary gear = 4K critical].

So if you can continue on 5a then keep going on damage. If cannot the use 5b - and your min damage = 3K (2K + 4K divide by 2). And then make another 4K fuser - if you want to hit that 4K damage.

In the high high end of gear-play - critical = ultimate power.

Blacksmith's luck

1. Tin-tin-tin from 3am(4am) to 7am local MY time seems to give highest successes. I believe its due to least number of players as dominant population are MY players. LAG kills upgrading successes.

2. Successes seem to be "lowest" on map2 - and highest on Map3 and Map1 . Again its the lag. Map2 servers are less powerful than Map1 and Map3 <-- why ? --> its cuz CIB got different server configurations and their thinking is that Map1 and Map3 are most populated, so dedicate the more powerful servers for those maps.

3. I got more successes out of MAP1 than MAP3. That's cuz I use MAP1 cuz no choice -->a. low stat armour can only be gotten from MAP1.
b. leveling gear (that cant be used in level80 and up) can only be gotten from MAP1.

This being said - it *may* also mean that low-stat gear got much higher success than high-stat gear.

Finally, BM from MAP2 gets lesser chance to get C/B than from MAP3. This is due to drop-rate setting. Setting mob drop-rate also affects BM drop-rate. Drop-rate setting applies to all. There is no different drop-rate settings for MOB/BM/BOSS/killing-ROCKER.

About min and max dmg

A few people already asked me about it, I'll post the awnser here and I will update if there are some new questions about it.

Q: What happens when min dmg is higer then max dmg?
A: When the MIN dmg is Higer then the MAX dmg RYLII will always use the MIN dmg to calculate the dmg.
non critical hits give 1000 dmg on a naga
critical hits give 2500 dmg on a naga.

I hope I cleared another question ^^

Creating own charts

Now to make stuff clear for you all... the stats i talk about below ARE MADE UP AND ARE NOT TO BE TRUSTED ON...they are only some numbers i made up cuz i aint got time to calculate 1 specific item... that is up to you how to do that

now when that is said lets get back to business...

1 step what item to you want to calculate and which stats do you want to know?
lets say u got a 140dex armor and want to know when it jumps from grade AA to AAA now lets start

2 go to local armor merchant (not blackmarket) in there you will find your armor (if high stat eq u have to go to map2-3)when u found your armor then do like this

3 start like this... find the lowest and the highest value of a F graded DEFENCE like this... press the "R" key and keep refreshing untill you have found the lowest F grade defence stat like lets say that in this case the lowest defence is 50...
then start to find the highest value. Now you know that u can see D graded items in that shop also then u have to find A the absolute highest value for F grade and B find the absolute lowest value for MINUMUM defence at the HIGHEST rate
example : lowest D grade defence rate at HIGHEST rate ( the right stats ) lets say that is 81, and the highest stat for F grade on defence is 80 then you know for 100% that the highest F grade for MAX defence is 80

4 now when you know both the MINIMUM stat (30) and the maximum stat (80) . Now we can continue to step 5

5 the difference between min and max = 30 - 80 = 50 diff...
then at 81def it hit LOWEST D grade and now we add annother 50 then we hit 131def = highest D grade... add +1 = 132 def and its LOWEST C grade + 50 = 182 = HIGHEST C GRADE add +1 iand its the lowest B grade...

6 now you know how to calculate your stats... these are vital for you when you are upgrading your items so you dont have to spend more then you need... example why make a +10 fuser when its enough to make it +7 to get it to the grade that you need!!! ALLWAYS ALLWAYS ALLWAYS calculate your items and write them down on a piece of paper... the stats that you need to know for a weapon is the following

When minimum dmg hits AAA <-- minimum since min dmg jumps grades faster then max dmg does i will explain this later also...
mp rec = fuser stat
mp = fuser stat
hit rate = fuser stat
critical = vital... if you are planning to make a big stick.. 3k+++ dmg then start with critical first since that is the hardest part to do but that is all up to you how you prefer to make your gear...
block = non combinable or fusable but i prefer a C grade... looks better

now you know how to calculate your items this way goes for all stats and items

why min dmg jumps grade faster max dmg does?

calculate it

step1 find LOWEST value of the MIN dmg from the weapon merchant
like this...
the lowest min dmg u can find = 30
keep refrishing and compare to the ABSOLUTE LOWEST DMG U CAN FIND ON D graded max stat but lowest value...
example... the lowest dmg on max dmg u can find on D grade is 51 and the highest min dmg u can find on F grade is 50 then you know its 100% accurate
now you know that min min dmg is 30 and min max dmg is 50 then make the same process as i explained to you earlier and you know all the stats that you need to =) you dont HAVE to calculate your fuser stats ( hitting, mp , mprec etc ) but its allways good to know them

now you know everything you know how to make your own charts

i would prefer that admin people would read this thrue and edit if needed... i got a verry nice headache by now and all this text is making me dissy hehe =) if you have anny questions about this feel free to pm me or aqid ... do not post anny questions in this topic... only post if you have anny updates about my calculations

Good Luck with your items

Here Basic Upgarding

I dont have much enchantin experience comparing to the rest of guys but ill write you basics.

You dont make B+++++. Avoid that, because later youll spend fortune on making fusers.

If you pay Real Money:

Get high durability gun F with lowest stats possible
Get some high min damage Ds and combine F with them so just min dmg goes D.
Get some high min damage Cs and repeat the process.
Get some high min damage Bs and repeat the process.

You should now have a gun with min dmg B and rest of stats at zero. Leave some Bs in vault for further fusing.

Start enchantin (thats the spot that more experienced guys come in so i wont explain coz i can do it wrong).

If you dont buy cards etc

You buy some BM.
You enchant the one with highest min dmg and lowest stats.
Rest of Bs stays for fusing.

Hope guys can take it from here.

Yes Murad is absolutly right. IF you are a paid member, start with an F, combine as many min dmg in as possible. Then you should have a good base weapon. This is weapon A, your base. Now you also need a fuser. This is weapon B

1. Make base (Weapon A) +10, put in ruby = AAA = +34 dmg
2. Make fuser (Weapon B) AAA, also min dmg.
3. Combine any other stat but make sure u dont increase much while combining (max dmg+1/hit+1/mp+50/crit+1/ mprec+1 etc).

Base is +0 again, repeat step 1-3 as many times as u like.

Step 1-3 is called "a reset". One reset will give you 34 dmg. You can calculate how many resets you need for your goal.

How to Downgrade. The essense of getting power gear

First i just wanna say that i will try to make it as clear as possible.

Lets say your base weapon (The one that u use) has maybe 15 mp recovery. Then you have to make a fuser with HIGHER mp recovery then your base weapon so let say you got a AAA fuser with 20 mp recovery. Then you will have to make another fuser but this time a fuser with LOWER mp rec then your base weapon, now you're done with upgrading. What you have to do now is to go to the Blacksmith (A.K.A BS) and press Stat Transfer. In the first window that pops up you put your base weapon and press next. Then it will open a different window where you put the fuser with HIGHER mp rec then your base weapon and you will now see to the right many red lines and one green line with means that you can increase the mp recovery and you press on the green line (mp recovery) and DO NOT press transfer, now you take your fuser with LOWER mp recovery then your base weapon and replace it with the fuser with HIGHER mp recovery then your base weapon, now you can press transfer and you will now see that your mp recovery has went down a few "mp recoverys" and the upgrade level will now be at 0 so you can upgrade it to 10+ again.

Hope i made it clear for you and if you have any questions don't mind posting them here.