7 Nov 2007

Rockers guide to making full dmg/crit

The least expensive way to make full 4K damage, 4K crit weapon/arm (least expensive is still very expensive to many many people) :

0. Your weapon/arm must be high stat - not low stat. BECAUSE if you want to make a 4K limit on a stat where a full gem = +3 or less - high gear stat is a must. (Shadows take note).

1. get F grade - all stats ZERO (dun care about block cuz you will kill people before they can even hit you with that gear)

2. On your primary gear - focus on CRITICAL ONLY. Why ? because make 2K critical fuser = 125 combines total, and make a 2K damage fuser = 58 combines. SO it is a BIG waste if make critical fuser, after all the effort and MCs you spend and then you combine - BIG waste. Combine a 58-combine fuser is less painful than combine a 125-combine fuser to your primary gear.

So how you select the stat of arm/weapon to use ? Calculate like this : when hit 3K critical on the gear = 187 combines (DO NOT USE MP REC). 187 MP rec should be beginning-mid B grade. Anything more - do not use <-- that means if the gear you want to use is A/AA grade for MP REC = 187 <-- DO NOT use that stat gear.

3. Make a 2K damage fuser (58combine) and then combine to your F-grade gear. So your primary gear = 1K damage - all stats ZERO. Y ? At least you can play alittle bit as you tin-tin-tin. It is VERY boring if you tin-tin-tin but cannot play (because your gear not solid yet). [Take note: you may skip this part of making a 2K damage fuser].

4. Do not use MP REC as fuser stat. Use Hitting rate, Max MP, and Damage (<-- can use Damage in the early stages when your primary gear damage is not AAA - although Damage shall the jumper stat to use). Use MP rec when all other stats = AA grade. Stress : focus on Critical on your primary gear.

5. So keep doing like this until you hit Critical 4K. Then :

a. If your MP rec is not AA yet - focus on DAMAGE.
b. if all stats is at least AA grade - make a 4K fuser from F grade and fuse the min.Damage.

When you hit 4K critical - your min. Damage should be 2K (earlier 1K + 250x4) [250 combines on your primary gear = 4K critical].

So if you can continue on 5a then keep going on damage. If cannot the use 5b - and your min damage = 3K (2K + 4K divide by 2). And then make another 4K fuser - if you want to hit that 4K damage.

In the high high end of gear-play - critical = ultimate power.

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