7 Nov 2007

Speeding up the enhancing process

Yes, I have used it and it was discovered by my tin-tin-tin team in TW long ago. It is not a bug and not a cheat. I tried to take a video of the game and a webcam to show the fingers on the keyboard (has to be co-ordinated) but not successful.

Only the upgraders would know what I am talking about :

Situation :

you see, when you click Enhance - you will see the "flash" and hear "tin-tin-tin" <-- you wait like 1-3 seconds each time.

When you click on Enhance and your item is already hit soft-cap - a message pops up saying that it is "limit" and do you want to continue - you click "OK" and again the "flash" and "tin tin tin" <-- 1 -3 seconds.

Now, you can speed this up. You may have noticed that when you keep clicking on enhance, the "flash" and "tin tin tin" is not completed but the thing goes very fast - like 1 sec = 3 upgrading. It is also either all fail or all success.

I have found out exactly how to repeat this process = 1 sec 3-5 upgrading. And it speeds up alot.

Can anyone tell me how to record using webcam the finger on the keyboard and FRAPS on the game. Because you need to see it how it is done. It is too complicated to explain.

The positivie effect from using this technique :

1. Because the clock is used to generate the success or fail of the BS, by "squeezing" in more enhances during the point in time - you get alot of successes.

2. Also , it means that if the clock is failure - you get alot of failures <-- but it means you can stop for a while and continue.

3. Using this technique I am able to make from 100damage to 1K damage (including making the suitable combine items) in 1 day (18hours). That is 29combining to main item and for each combine item I do 4 combining = 145 combining altogether in 18hours. Of course it means I have resources on standby too.

A great addition:
What totally works for me is when creating fusers,

1.) Leave the TOB from previos upgrade @ blacksmith.

2.) Place +0 item that needs +7 at the BS.

3.) Take a stack of 200 mich/yit.

4.) Swap em with the TOB @ blacksmith window, but DONT place the TOB back in ur inventory, keep em in your hand.

5.) Press the Upgrade button with the TOB in your hand.

6.) When you see the flash or hear the tintintin sound, place the TOB back in your inventory.

=====Now the bug is activated.=========

7.) Press and HOLD enter key.

8.) Click as a mad-man on the Upgrade button.

9.) Release the enter key when you run out of michells or when your item is +7.

Tested, and works 99 out of 100 times. I make almost every fuser this way now.

1 comment:

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