22 Jan 2008

[RYL2 GUIDED]Copy/steal from RWTL forum

This guided copy/steal from RWTL forum
Im going to try and make it as simple as possible.
This guide is a try to make the most important things simple and in the same Guide. Good luck on your journey!

Notes: This guide is for POTE 1600 the US version of Risk Your Life 2. If you use this server pack exactly as i write here you will get the RWTL npcs etc.

Version 1753 client download (mirror files):
GZ Downloads - RYL Path of the Emperor Client

Then after you downloaded that and installed download this patch: http://ryl-vault.net/downloads/usa_f...1412to1600.exe
and downgrade your version. This will get your client to version 1600.

What will this Guide include?

It will include download links to everything you might need in your journey to create your R.Y.L 2 server. That means: Server files, Demonsetup, HEX tools, Websites, "Stealthys DB" and more. I will ofcourse explain how to use and install each programs.

First Part :

First: Download the RWTL Society repack of the server files. This repack includes: Stealthys Databases, High rates, npcs selling level 3 books, Working Demonsetup to these files with checksum already made, Metal Vendors, B grade helms and ALOT more. RapidShare: 1-Click Webhosting

Secondly: Download Microsoft SQL Server 2000: Download details: Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Service Pack 4

Now when you got these files. Install your SQL server.
Note: Install it in Mixed Mode, setting up a username and password so you can access it later. Remember your password.

Allright now you installed your SQL server. Then you are good to go and create the needed databases for the server.

Open up the SQL Server Enterprise Manager program from your start menu.
Then click on the "+" on the left side until you get down to your SQL server.
Then Right click on "Databases" and choose "New Database..."

Then create these databases ( remember, they are case sensitive so write exactly as here ):


Good, now we can go ahead to the next part. Due to that im too lazy to change the repack to add a new folder you have to do this:
Go to your D:\ drive, and make a folder with this name: vryl2_1900_active
Good, then extract everything from the RWTL Repack into that folder.
Goodie, now we can start restoring the databases.

Go to your enterprise manager and right click on the AdminTool database.
Choose "All Tasks -> Restore Database..."
Click on the "From Device"
Then click on "Select Device..."
Then "Add..."
Then click on the dots and go to the folder: D:\vryl2_1900_active\Databases and choose the AdminTool file.
Then click OK.
Then click on the Options tab and select: "Force Restore over Existing Database"
Then click OK.

Do this to all the databases you made. and then move to the next step.

Next step is to configure the ODBC.
Do this: Control panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)
Go to the System DSN tab.
And click on ADD.
Scroll down and choose "SQL Server" and click Finish.
Then name it AdminTool and choose your SQL server.
Then choose: "With SQL Server Authentication....."
and loginID: SA and the pasword is the one that you made when you installed your SQL server.
After you inputted that click on Next.
Click in the "Change the default database to:" and choose AdminTool.
Then Next and Finish. Now you can test the connection to it.

Do this to EVERY database you made. Remember to mark the "Change the default database to:" and choose the right database.

After you are done with the System DSN click on the File DSN and repeat the above.

Great job so far! If you havnt given up.. just continue to read!

Now its time to set the server up! "Hoooraaay!"
And thankfully i added my Demonsetup.ini so you dont have to break your beautifull fingers to make it all from scratch.
Go to the server folder and open up the demonsetup.ini in notepad.
Now search for this phrase: Your IP HERE
And add your IP there.
When you are done with that start searching for this phrase: Your SA password here
And add your password there.

Allright, when you changed that in the demonsetup.ini copy it into your WINDOWS folder. Usually C:\WINDOWS\

And boom youre done!

Now for some additional information:
Want to change your server name? then go to D:\vryl2_1900_active\Release\Script\Server and open up the ServerGroup file in notepad. Just change those names to your servername.

Due to that this is a repack i will explain how to start the server up:
Go to: D:\vryl2_1900_active\Release
And double click on: RylLoginServer, ****IDServer, RylDBAgentServer, RylAuthServer, RylChatServer, dark_caernavon, map8, map12, map14. It is important that you open them in this order. And the UIDServer can be a bitch sometimes and doesnt want to start, but just keep clicking until it starts. If you want another map1 channel just start the "ch1 map12" too.
And to open the server so other can login just right click on the RylLoginServer logo in your system tray ( at your clock ) and click on this:

OK first of my part is done!Next up : register page,status page and client hexing.

Second Part :

Allright, you managed to survive my first part!
Now comes the registration page part!

First the download links:
Appserv: Browsing Download Server: /appserv/appserv-win32-2.5.7.exe

Allright! Lets get this party started!

Install Appserv.
Go to Start - > Run -> type php.ini, Ctrl+F, type mssql. First result is ;extension=php_mssql.dll. Remove the ";" infront of it. Save and restart computer.

Good, welcome back!

Now go to C:\appserve\www\
And put your registration page there. ( Remember to download all parts from the registration page thread and put it there in order. )

Now go to the Includes folder in there. And open Config.php. Almost every step is explained in there so no need for me to explain it more.
Heres some stuff you need to know tho:

$ryl_db_auth = "youxiuser"; // RYL Auth Database
$ryl_db_game = "Part2_Zodiac"; // RYL Game Database

$GS_Port = "12003"; // One of the port that Gameserver uses, used to determinate gameserver's status.
$LS_Port = "12004"; // One of the port that LoginServer uses, used to determinate loginserver's status.

Good, now you are done. Save and Close.

Now you can check if it is working properly. Open up your browser and go to:
It should work fine now. You can test and make an account there.

Worked? Good! otherwise write here.

Now you might want to ask how do i make my account GM?
Well, ill explain it plain and simple:

Open SQL Server Enterprise Manager.
click on the "+" at youxiuser.
then click on tables. and find "usertbl"
now right click on "usertbl" and choose: Open Table -> Return All Rows.
Find your account and remember the UID value.
Now click on the "+" at Part2_Zodiac and go to Tables and find Adminlist.
Do as with the usertbl, right click -> Open Table -> Return All Rows
Now add your UID Value and Level 5.

Done! Now your account is a administrator account!.

Now to the Login part.
Due to that i posted my repack you need to copy the file: npcscript.mcf to your ryl client folder. ( yes you have to overwrite ). Goooooood!

Now its time to do some HEX editing! *yaaaaay!*

Download this: http://www.handshake.de/user/chmaas/...load/xvi32.zip

Extract it anywhere you like.
Now start the program and open the login.dat from your client folder.
Now you have to find the original server ip. Its usually located at: 77F79
Now add your IP over it. DO NOT USE BACKSPACE!

end of second part!>,^

For more Information please visited Forum Ragezone

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